Home > Craft Beers > Alaskan Imperial Red Ale

Alaskan Imperial Red Ale

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Alaskan Imperial Red Ale
Alaskan Imperial Red Ale
Alaskan Imperial Red is a full-bodied deep mahogany ale with ruby red highlights.
Style:Specialty Beer > Specialty Beer
Original Gravity:1.081
ABV:8.5 %
Packaging:22oz bottle (bomber)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Alaskan Imperial Red Ale
Alaskan Imperial Red is a full-bodied deep mahogany ale with ruby red highlights. Citrus notes of chamomile, grapefruit and Meyer lemon brighten the aroma. A zesty array of hop flavors from mango and bitter orange to green mint and hibiscus meld with the nutty, roasted caramel and subtle dried fruit flavors of the complex malt profile to create a surprisingly fresh, yet warming example of the style.
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Alaskan Brewing Company
Alaskan Brewing Company
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Address: 5429 Shaune Dr,
Alaska 99801,
United States
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