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Craft Beer Headlines |
Eye-Laser Shoot’n Dinosaurs | Monday Night Brewing Death Raptor
From 7th grade through 12th I went to a prep school where I wore a necktie, every, single, day. Part of this, I assumed, or maybe I was told, was to prepare me for the professional world where I’d wear neckties daily. Fast forward to today and I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worn a necktie in the last three years. A ... Read more |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Elst Brewing Co | Christmas in July – Belgian Christmas Ale
Hello all! I hope this summer has treated you well. When it comes to local craft beer, our friends-in-beer have certainly taken great care of us. Without looking, I know that in my beer fridge right now is beer from Next Level, Clinch River, Albright Grove, Xul, and Elst and that’s just what I can remember as I type, but that’s n ... Read more |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Monday Night Brewing | Taco Tuesday
If there were ever a beer named with me in mind, here it is. Those that know me have often heard me regale of the importance of both honoring and observing #TacoTuesday. In the days of old when we would travel for work, a Tuesday on the road meant finding the local taco spot, diving in, and sending photo evidence home so that my girls knew that ... Read more |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Bearden Brewhouse | Peace Was Never An Option
Howdy beer fans! As I write this, the sun is shining, the warm embrace from our closest star greeted us all. It was a wonderful respite during these chilly days. While I enjoy the seasonal winter beers, bring on spring! Up on deck today is a fun NEIPA from Bearden Brewhouse. It’s hard to believe that one of our very first posts 10 ... Read more |
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