Home > Craft Beers > Arcadia Whitsun

Arcadia Whitsun

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Arcadia Whitsun
Arcadia Whitsun
Arcadia Whitsun (American Wheat or Rye Beer) from Arcadia Brewing Company...
Style:Light Hybrid Beer > American Wheat or Rye Beer
ABV:6.2 %
Packaging:12oz bottle, Draft (or Draught)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Arcadia Whitsun
Brewed in the style of a mid-19th century English festival ale, this unfiltered wheat beer displays a translucent orange color topped with a creamy, white head. Wheat enhances the mouthfeel of the beer and produces pleasant bread-like notes while Michigan honey provides a caramelized sweetness in the flavor profile. This beer is spiced with orange peel, coriander and small amounts of three hop varieties that perfectly counterbalance the sweetness.
Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
Arcadia Brewing Company
United States brewery location
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Address: 103 W Michigan Ave,
Battle Creek,
Michigan 49017,
United States
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