Home > Beer Of The Day > 21st Amendment Sneak Attack

21st Amendment Sneak Attack

Day 281: 21st Amendment Sneak Attack from 21st Amendment Brewery Cafe. Style of beer is ‘Saison’. ABV is 6.2%.
21st Amendment Sneak Attack
Day: 281 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: 21st Amendment Sneak Attack
Brewery: 21st Amendment Brewery Cafe
Style: Saison
ABV: 6.2 %
Rating: 3.5 stars
Tasting Notes: Straw in color with a white head. A spicy aroma. Flavor is spicy and slightly sour. Highly carbonated with a clean finish.
Description: You might not expect a Saison in winter. But the enemy didn’t expect Washington to cross the icy Delaware, either. Expectations be damned, we say. We’re sneaking up on winter with a boatload of bravado and this Belgian-style farmhouse ale. Dry hopped with whole organic cardamom pods, our Saison has an assertive spiciness. In your face, winter.
Comments: Bitterness = 38 IBUs.

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