Home > Beer Of The Day > Dragonmead Under the Kilt

Dragonmead Under the Kilt

Day 157: Dragonmead Under the Kilt from Dragonmead Microbrewery. Style of beer is ‘Strong Scotch Ale’. ABV is 7.8%.
Dragonmead Under the Kilt
Day: 157 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: Dragonmead Under the Kilt
Brewery: Dragonmead Microbrewery
Style: Strong Scotch Ale
ABV: 7.8 %
Rating: 1.0 star
Tasting Notes: Deep red in color with a cream head. A caramel aroma. Flavor is caramel and slightly sour/spicy. Moderate carbonation with a medium mouth-feel and an acrid after-taste.
Description: Produced in the style of a Scottish Export Ale this beer is big on taste and body. Imported Scottish Ale Malt is combined with Roasted Barley and Crystal malt to give this beer a unique taste and aroma. Golding and Fuggles Hops help to balance out the taste of this unique beer.

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