Home > Beer Of The Day > Paulaner Salvator

Paulaner Salvator

Day 111: Paulaner Salvator from Paulaner Brauerei. Style of beer is ‘Doppelbock’. ABV is 7.9%.
Paulaner Salvator
Day: 111 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: Paulaner Salvator
Brewery: Paulaner Brauerei
Style: Doppelbock
ABV: 7.9 %
Rating: 4.0 stars
Tasting Notes: Red in color with a white head. A musty and caramel aroma. Flavor is caramel and bitter. Moderate carbonation with a god mouth-feel.
Description: This is the original Paulaner, the founding beer of Paulaner. The Salvator Double Bock is a bottom-fermented beer and has been brewed in almost exactly the same way since the end of the 18th century. It combines the most delicate of hops and dark barley malt to give a strong, characteristically malty taste and an inviting, gleaming copper colour.

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