Home > Beer Of The Day > Red Hook ESB

Red Hook ESB

Day 333: Red Hook ESB from Redhook Ale Brewery. Style of beer is ‘Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)’. ABV is 5.8%.
Red Hook ESB
Day: 333 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: Red Hook ESB
Brewery: Redhook Ale Brewery
Style: Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
ABV: 5.8 %
Rating: 3.0 stars
Tasting Notes: Light amber in color with a white head. Aroma and flavor are malty, vegetal and hoppy. Moderate carbonation with a grapefruit finish.
Description: Brewed in the style of a traditional British ESB (Extra Special Bitter), we’ve been making ESB continuously since 1987, and it’s now the benchmark for the Amber beer category. Despite having “bitter” in its name, Redhook ESB is really not that bitter at all. This brew is all about the balance of caramel malt sweetness completed by spicy, citrusy hops.
Comments: Bitterness = 28 IBUs.

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