Home > Beer Of The Day > Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout

Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout

Day 143: Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout from Rochester Mills Beer Company. Style of beer is ‘Sweet Stout’. ABV is 5.0%.
Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout
Day: 143 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: Rochester Mills Milkshake Stout
Brewery: Rochester Mills Beer Company
Style: Sweet Stout
ABV: 5.0 %
Rating: 4.0 stars
Tasting Notes: Black with a thick tan head. A roasty aroma. Flavor is roasty, chocolate and milky. Moderate carbonation with a cocoa after-taste.
Description: Milkshake Stout is a sweet stout style Ale that combines four different malts along with a low hop level creating a deep dark beer featuring rich, roasted flavors. The addition of lactose (milk sugar, thus the name milkshake) adds complexity, body, and a residual sweetness that lends a smooth, creamy texture to this delightfully full-flavored brew.

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