Home > Beer Of The Day > Singletrack Copper Ale

Singletrack Copper Ale

Day 10: Singletrack Copper Ale from Boulder Beer Company. Style of beer is ‘American Amber Ale’. ABV is 4.9%.
Singletrack Copper Ale
Day: 10 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: Singletrack Copper Ale
Brewery: Boulder Beer Company
Style: American Amber Ale
ABV: 4.9 %
Rating: 3.0 stars
Tasting Notes: Light orange in color with a foamy white head that lasts a while and reduces to a film on top of the beer. Aroma is malty as is the flavor but the latter finished with some hop bitterness. Moderate carbonation with a medium body and clean finish.
Description: A refreshing, medium-bodied ale, Singletrack Copper Ale is brewed with toasted rye and caramel malt for a slight nutty flavor with a brilliant copper color. Reflecting a lifestyle adopted by many at our brewery and in Boulder, Singletrack is an homage to the two-wheeled athletes and weekend warriors pounding the narrow trails of our backyard mountains.

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