Home > Beer Of The Day > St. Feuillien Saison

St. Feuillien Saison

Day 61: St. Feuillien Saison from Brouwerij St. Feuillien. Style of beer is ‘Saison’. ABV is 6.5%.
St. Feuillien Saison
Day: 61 (since July 1, 2014)
Beer: St. Feuillien Saison
Brewery: Brouwerij St. Feuillien
Style: Saison
ABV: 6.5 %
Rating: 3.5 stars
Tasting Notes: Golden in color with a good white head. Aroma is citrusy yet yeasty. Flavor is slightly sour and malty with some Belgian characteristics. High carbonation with a lingering Belgian flavor. Suspect this beer was past its best and should have been drunk earlier.
Description: St-Feuillien’ Saison is what the Belgians call a beer of the terroir, a traditional farmhouse ale with all the rich savor of the fertile land of southern Belgium. Saison, a warm golden blonde ale, is a top-fermented classic. Thanks to secondary fermentation in the bottle, Saison has an unmistakable flavor full of rich nuances and a slight tang.
Comments: Unfiltered and bottle conditioned.

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