Home > Craft Beers > Blackberry Farm Screaming Cock

Blackberry Farm Screaming Cock

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Blackberry Farm Screaming Cock
Blackberry Farm Screaming Cock
This abbey-style ale has many complex flavors and aromas including a rich maltiness with hints of dark dried fruits such as raisins and plums.
Style:Belgian Strong Ale > Belgian Dubbel
ABV:6 %
Packaging:750ml bottle (25.4oz)
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Blackberry Farm Screaming Cock
A dark amber beer with reddish highlights and a long-lasting, creamy head. This abbey-style ale has many complex flavors and aromas including a rich maltiness with hints of dark dried fruits such as raisins and plums. The beer has a medium-full body with malt sweetness in the front of the palate, complex flavors of dried fruits and chocolate in the center, and a dry finish at the end. The beer is well-balanced but balanced toward the malt, with little hop flavor or aroma detectable. The alcohol …
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Blackberry Farm Brewery
Blackberry Farm Brewery
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Address: 1471 W Millers Cove Rd,
Tennessee 37886,
United States
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