Home > Craft Beers > Cazeau Tournay Black
Tournay Black is a bottle conditioned, Belgian stout brewed by Brasserie de Cazeau which is a farm-brewery located in...

Cazeau Tournay Black

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Cazeau Tournay Black
Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Tournay Black is a bottle conditioned, Belgian stout brewed by Brasserie de Cazeau which is a farm-brewery located in...
Style:Belgian Strong Ale > Belgian Dark Strong Ale
ABV:7.6 %
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Cazeau Tournay Black
Tournay Black is a bottle conditioned, Belgian stout brewed by Brasserie de Cazeau which is a farm-brewery located in the south of Belgium. It was originally brewed as a winter ale under the name Tournay de Noel, but later became a year-round release. They didn't provide much specific detail about how it was brewed except to say that it is made with water, malts, candi-sugar, hops, and yeast. It is 7.6% ABV with a recommended drinking temperature of +/- 50 degrees. The brewer states that the…
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Brasserie de Cazeau
Belgium brewery location
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Address: Belgium
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