Home > Craft Beers > Epic Cross Fever Amber Ale

Epic Cross Fever Amber Ale

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Epic Cross Fever Amber Ale
Epic Cross Fever Amber Ale
Our lightest in terms of alcohol comes in at 4.8% by volume so that malt can dominate the flavor profile.
Style:American Ale > American Amber Ale
ABV:4.8 %
Availability:Year round
Glassware:Pint (or Becher/Becker, Nonic, Tumbler)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Epic Cross Fever Amber Ale
Our lightest in terms of alcohol comes in at 4.8% by volume so that malt can dominate the flavor profile. Caramel sweet malt all over the palate with a noticeable “jumping just over the barrier” citrus hop aroma. Surprisingly refreshing for such a malt driven ale. Truly an all season American Amber.
Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
Epic Brewing Company - US
Epic Brewing Company - US
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Address: 825 S State St,
Salt Lake City,
Utah 84111,
United States
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