Home > Craft Beers > Epic Imperial Stout

Epic Imperial Stout

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Epic Imperial Stout
Epic Imperial Stout
This massive Stout pours a mahogany black with a thick, brown head. The aroma is all chocolate and toasted malt.
Style:Stout > Russian Imperial Stout
Packaging:22oz bottle (bomber)
Glassware:Pint (or Becher/Becker, Nonic, Tumbler)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Epic Imperial Stout
This massive Stout pours a mahogany black with a thick, brown head. The aroma is all chocolate and toasted malt. The first wave of flavor embraces anise and dark, bitter chocolate but opens up to include coffee, smoke and rich sweet malt.
Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
Epic Brewing Company - US
Epic Brewing Company - US
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Address: 825 S State St,
Salt Lake City,
Utah 84111,
United States
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