Home > Craft Beers > Gamble Mill Bushhouse Brown Ale

Gamble Mill Bushhouse Brown Ale

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Gamble Mill Bushhouse Brown Ale
Gamble Mill Bushhouse Brown Ale
Named in memory of the historic Bush House in Bellefonte, this brown ale pours dark brown with a frothy head and displays great lacing.
Style:English Brown Ale > Northern English Brown
Ingredients:Grains: Marris Otter, Crystal 65, Special Aromatic, Chocolate, Flaked Corn.
Hops: Czech Saaz Tradition.
Original Gravity:1.057
ABV:5.75 %
Availability:Year round
Packaging:Draft (or Draught)
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Gamble Mill Bushhouse Brown Ale
Named in memory of the historic Bush House in Bellefonte, this brown ale pours dark brown with a frothy head and displays great lacing. The aroma provides a hint of roasted malts with a slight fruity afterthought. On the pallet expect notes of chocolate and oak followed by a clean finish.
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Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
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Address: 160 Dunlap St,
Pennsylvania 16823,
United States
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