Home > Craft Beers > Gamble Mill Lit Wit Belgian Ale

Gamble Mill Lit Wit Belgian Ale

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Gamble Mill Lit Wit Belgian Ale
Gamble Mill Lit Wit Belgian Ale
Commemorating June 3rd, 1883 when Bellefonte became the second municipality in the US to have streets lit by electric lights, the Lit Wit is a Belgian Wheat Ale spiced with hops, orange peel and coriander.
Style:Belgian & French Ale > Witbier
Ingredients:Grains: Pilsner, Flaked Wheat.
Hops: Saaz.
Original Gravity:1.048
ABV:4.75 %
Packaging:Draft (or Draught)
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Gamble Mill Lit Wit Belgian Ale
Commemorating June 3rd, 1883 when Bellefonte became the second municipality in the US to have streets lit by electric lights, the Lit Wit is a Belgian Wheat Ale spiced with hops, orange peel and coriander. This classic combination of spices along with a distinct Belgian yeast creates a refreshing yet complex ale.
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Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
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Address: 160 Dunlap St,
Pennsylvania 16823,
United States
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