Home > Craft Beers > Gamble Mill Woolly Bugger Belgian IPA

Gamble Mill Woolly Bugger Belgian IPA

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Gamble Mill Woolly Bugger Belgian IPA
Gamble Mill Woolly Bugger Belgian IPA
Named after a fly fishing lure, the Woolly Bugger is brewed with a combination of ingredients from around the world.
Style:Belgian & French Ale > Belgian Specialty Ale
Ingredients:Grains: Pilsen, Special Aromatic.
Hops: Columbus, Hallertau, Saaz, Zythos, Cascade.
Original Gravity:1.099
ABV:10.75 %
Packaging:Draft (or Draught)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Gamble Mill Woolly Bugger Belgian IPA
Named after a fly fishing lure, the Woolly Bugger is brewed with a combination of ingredients from around the world. French malts combine with German, Czech and American hops and are fermented with a Belgian Yeast. Look for significant bitterness balanced by some residual sweetness and finished with classic Belgian characteristics and higher alcohols. Served, unfiltered, in a 10 oz. glass.
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Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
Gamble Mill Restaurant & Microbrewery
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Address: 160 Dunlap St,
Pennsylvania 16823,
United States
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