Home > Craft Beers > Hi-Wire Ringmaster Red Rye
A liberally hopped ale with a blend of Centennial, Columbus, and Amarillo hops and balanced nicely with an unmistakably rye malt character.

Hi-Wire Ringmaster Red Rye

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Hi-Wire Ringmaster Red Rye
American Wheat or Rye Beer
A liberally hopped ale with a blend of Centennial, Columbus, and Amarillo hops and balanced nicely with an unmistakably rye malt character.
Style:Light Hybrid Beer > American Wheat or Rye Beer
ABV:7.0 %
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Hi-Wire Ringmaster Red Rye
A liberally hopped ale with a blend of Centennial, Columbus, and Amarillo hops and balanced nicely with an unmistakably rye malt character. This will be in production until late fall.
Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
Hi-Wire Brewing
Hi-Wire Brewing
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Address: 197 Hilliard Ave,
North Carolina 28801,
United States
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