Beer Infinity has written a guest article on Modern Man Jack titled “Is Craft Beer more than a ‘hop bomb’ IPA?“.
The phenomenal growth of Craft Beer in the US and around the world has been well documented such as a report compiled in 2013 by the Detemer Group showing a growing increase in the number of barrels sold within the US rising from 8.5 million/year back in 2007 to 13.7 million/year in 2012. This compares to an overall slight decline in beer sales during the same period with Macro breweries taking the hit whilst Brewpubs, Microbreweries and Regional Craft Breweries have been both growing and increasing in numbers.
Areas covered include:
- The growth in Craft Beer
- The types of Craft Beers people enjoy
- The move from High Gravity to Session IPAs
- Expending your horizons
Find out more by reading the full article here…