Home > Craft Beers > Labatt 50
John and Hugh Labatt, grandsons of founder John K. Labatt, launched Labatt 50 in 1950 to commemorate 50 years of part...

Labatt 50

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Labatt 50
American Pale Ale
John and Hugh Labatt, grandsons of founder John K. Labatt, launched Labatt 50 in 1950 to commemorate 50 years of part...
Style:American Ale > American Pale Ale
ABV:5 %
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Labatt 50
John and Hugh Labatt, grandsons of founder John K. Labatt, launched Labatt 50 in 1950 to commemorate 50 years of partnership. The first light-tasting ale introduced in Canada, Labatt 50 was Canada's best-selling beer until 1979 when, with the increasing popularity of lagers, it was surpassed by Labatt Blue. Labatt 50 is fermented using a special ale yeast, in use at Labatt since 1933. Specially-selected North American hops and a good balance of dryness, complemented by a fruity taste, provide La…
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Labatt Breweries
Canada brewery location
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Address: 4415 Calgary Tr,
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