For my third entry in the National Homebrew Competition for 2017 I brewed a Wee Heavy (BJCP category 17C) which was previously known as a Strong Scotch Ale.
This is not the first time I have brewed this style but I decided to change the recipe to a clone of a great example that I enjoy, namely Scotch Silly. The recipe came from CloneBrews (see page 202).
Here is the tweaked recipe I used together with a yeast starter:
- Maris Otter Pale malt – 16 lbs
- Crystal 40L malt – 1 lbs 12 oz
- Aromatic malt – 12 oz
- Peat Smoked malt – 1 oz
- Rice Hulls – 1 lb
- Raw cane sugar – 1 lb @ 90 mins
- East Kent Goldings hops – 1.25 oz @ 90 mins for bittering
- East Kent Goldings hops – 0.5 oz @ 15 mins for flavoring
- Irish Moss @ 15 mins
- Scottish Ale yeast (Wyeast 1728)
The brewing schedule included the following steps:
- Mashing @ 151 deg F for 90 mins
- Mash out @ 168 deg F for 10 mins
- Bring to the boil then add bittering hops & raw cane sugar
- Boil for 75 mins then add flavoring hops & Irish Moss for clarifying
- Boil for 15 mins then chill wort
- Cool wort to 64 deg F then pitch the yeast starter
- Ferment @ 68 deg F until complete, allow to settle then keg, carbonate and bottle
The finished beer had the following characteristics (with BJCP standards):
- Starting Gravity: 1.074 (1.070 – 1.130)
- Finishing Gravity: 1.015 (1.018 – 1.040)
- ABV: 7.74% (6.5 – 10.0%)
- SRM: 11.3 (14 – 25)
- IBUs: 21.5 (17 – 35)
Everything was within the relevant ranges apart from the Finishing Gravity and color (SRM) which were both a bit low.
Each beer is assessed by two judges with marks and attributes assigned under 5 sections.
Judge #1:
- Aroma = 7/12
- Malt: caramel & bready
- Esters: stone fruit
- Appearance = 2/3
- Clarity: medium-high
- Head Size: medium
- Head Retention: medium
- Beer Color: copper
- Head Color: ivory
- Flavor = 12/20
- Malt: medium & caramel and bready
- Hops: medium & floral, herbal and spicy
- Esters: low-medium & dried fruit and stone fruit
- Alcohol: low-medium
- Comments:
- nice caramel/bready malt flavor
- hop character/flavor a bit high for style
- Mouthfeel = 4/5
- Body: medium
- Carbonation: medium
- Warmth: medium
- Creaminess: low-medium
- Atsringency: medium
- Finish: medium
- Overall Impression = 7/10
- Stylistic Accuracy: medium-high
- Technical Merit: medium-high
- Intangibles: medium
- Comments: slightly astringent and a bit too hoppy for the style.
- TOTAL = 32/50
Judge #2:
- Aroma = 8/12
- Malt: medium-high & grainy
- Hops: none
- Esters: medium & fruity
- Phenols: none
- Alcohol: none
- Sweetness: none
- Acidity: none
- Appearance = 3/3
- Clarity: high
- Head Size: medium
- Head Retention: medium
- Beer Color: gold
- Head Color: white
- Other: lace
- Flavor = 10/20
- Malt: medium & grainy
- Hops: none
- Esters: low-medium & berry
- Phenols: none
- Sweetness: none
- Bitterness: none
- Alcohol: none
- Acidity: none
- Harshness: none
- Balance: malty
- Comments: cherry-like esters in the flavor
- Mouthfeel = 4/5
- Body: low-medium
- Carbonation: low
- Warmth: none
- Creaminess: none
- Astringency: none
- Finish: dry
- Overall Impression = 7/10
- Stylistic Accuracy: medium
- Technical Merit: medium
- Intangibles: low
- TOTAL = 32/50
Assigned consensus score was 32/50.
This result is good with the only improvements recommended by the judges being less hops though the IBUs are within the correct range and in fact on the lower end. Improvements that I intend on introducing next time are making the beer both stronger in alcohol and darker in color as this reflects most of the homebrew examples I see at pouring events.
Tasting notes:
Light amber in color and hazy with little head. A faint caramel aroma. Flavor is caramel, malty and nutty. Moderate carbonation, medium body and a caramel finish.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions then please feel free to add them below.