Home > Craft Beers > Odell Levity Amber Ale

Odell Levity Amber Ale

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Odell Levity Amber Ale
Odell Levity Amber Ale
Levity is our lighter take on the amber ale. Munich and honey malts give it a full-bodied flavor and a happy-go-lucky...
Style:American Ale > American Amber Ale
ABV:5.1 %
Awards:Silver, Best Bitter, 2006 Los Angeles County Fair
Silver, Best Bitter, 2005 Los Angeles County Fair
Availability:Year round
Packaging:12oz bottle, Draft (or Draught)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Odell Levity Amber Ale
Levity is our lighter take on the amber ale. Munich and honey malts give it a full-bodied flavor and a happy-go-lucky personality. Then we let the finishing hops shine, for a beer that's crisp instead of bitter, as many ambers are. Levity was named by our brewers partly for its light color - and partly for the way it just refuses to take itself too seriously. Hey, we could all use a little levity once in a while. Beer image provided courtesy of Odell Brewing.
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Odell Brewing Company
Odell Brewing Company
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Address: 800 E Lincoln Ave,
Fort Collins,
Colorado 80524,
United States
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