Home > Craft Beers > Rogue Imperial India Pale Ale / I2PA
Above and beyond an India Pale Ale--I2PA is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. Unfiltered and...

Rogue Imperial India Pale Ale / I2PA

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Rogue Imperial India Pale Ale / I2PA
Imperial IPA
Above and beyond an India Pale Ale--I2PA is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. Unfiltered and...
Style:India Pale Ale (IPA) > Imperial IPA
ABV:9.5 %
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Rogue Imperial India Pale Ale / I2PA
Above and beyond an India Pale Ale--I2PA is radically hopped with an intense aroma and hop bitterness. Unfiltered and aged for 9 months before it leaves the brewery--not for the faint of heart. I2PA is brewed with two-row Pipkin Pale malts, Saaz, Cascade and Northwest Golding hops. I2PA is available in a new 750ml Silkscreened black ceramic bottle and on draft.
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Rogue Brewery
Rogue Brewery
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Address: 2320 SE Osu Dr,
Oregon 97365,
United States
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