Home > Craft Beers > Samuel Adams Boston Ale
A smooth, refined version of a classic ale. Samuel Adams' Boston Ale was first brewed to celebrate the opening of our...

Samuel Adams Boston Ale

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Samuel Adams Boston Ale
American Pale Ale
A smooth, refined version of a classic ale. Samuel Adams' Boston Ale was first brewed to celebrate the opening of our...
Style:American Ale > American Pale Ale
ABV:4.9 %
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
Samuel Adams Boston Ale
A smooth, refined version of a classic ale. Samuel Adams' Boston Ale was first brewed to celebrate the opening of our Boston Brewery. Like Samuel Adams Boston Lager¬Æ, it was an old family recipe that was rescued by Jim Koch from his father's attic. Samuel Adams Boston Ale, a Stock Ale, has a complex, caramel malt character balanced with distinct spicy and herbal hop notes. Our proprietary ale yeast imparts a variety of fruit and ester notes in both the nose and flavor which are indicative of …
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The Boston Beer Company
United States brewery location
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Address: One Design Center Pl,
Suite 850,
Massachusetts 02210,
United States
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