Home > Craft Beers > Samuel Adams Brown Ale
rk in color yet medium bodied. Rich and smooth. Samuel Adams Brown Ale is a study in flavor, body, and style. Support...

Samuel Adams Brown Ale

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
Samuel Adams Brown Ale
American Brown Ale
rk in color yet medium bodied. Rich and smooth. Samuel Adams Brown Ale is a study in flavor, body, and style. Support...
Style:American Ale > American Brown Ale
ABV:5.4 %
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Samuel Adams Brown Ale
rk in color yet medium bodied. Rich and smooth. Samuel Adams Brown Ale is a study in flavor, body, and style. Supported by an interesting blend of malts, it shines with a deep mahogany luster. The roasted malt blend is complex and deep as well, with notes of biscuit, nut and caramel. The hops are imported from Europe; Noble Spalt from Germany and citrusy Goldings, a traditional British ale hop selected from a single farm in East Kent. With moderate hop bitterness, a deep malt body, and a fruity …
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The Boston Beer Company
United States brewery location
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Address: One Design Center Pl,
Suite 850,
Massachusetts 02210,
United States
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