Home > Craft Beers > Schell’s Pils

Schell’s Pils

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Schell's Pils
Schell's Pils
Schell's Pils is a shining example of the true European Pilsner style beer. Brewed with 100 percent barley malt, where the Sterling Hop flavor is showcased.
Style:Pilsner > German Pilsner (Pils)
ABV:5 %
Awards:First Place, Domestic Premium 1991 Great International Beer Tasting Festival.
Gold Medal, 1988 Great American Beer Festival, European Pilsner Category.
Silver Medal, 2006 Great American Beer Festival.
Bronze Medal, 1987 Great American Beer Festival, Continental Pilsner Category.
Availability:Year round
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Schell's Pils
Originally brewed in 1984, Schell's Pils is a shining example of the true European Pilsner style beer. Brewed with 100 percent barley malt, where the Sterling Hop flavor is showcased. Its full hop characteristic and delicate aroma were developed in Pilsen, Bohemia around 1840. This style was widely copied by early American breweries. Over the years, however, it has been lost to the much lighter-bodied, low-hopped relatives we refer to as American "Premium Category" beer. Schell's Pils has won m…
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August Schell Brewing
August Schell Brewing
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Address: 1860 Schell Road,
New Ulm,
Minnesota 56073,
United States
Social Media:Facebook Twitter
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