Home > Breweries & Brewpubs > Southampton Publick House
The word about the quality of our beer began to get around the metro New York region as soon as we turned on the spig...

Southampton Publick House

Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
Southampton Publick House
(Primary Location)
United States brewery location
The word about the quality of our beer began to get around the metro New York region as soon as we turned on the spig...
Brewery:Southampton Publick House
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Beer Infinity Brewery Location Beer Infinity
Southampton Publick House
Address: 40 Bowden Sq,
New York 11968,
United States
Beer Infinity Brewery Details Beer Infinity
Southampton Publick House
The word about the quality of our beer began to get around the metro New York region as soon as we turned on the spigots and started to serve it in our Southampton restaurant. Almost from day one, leading restaurants, pubs and taverns have requested our crafted brews for their own patrons. Our Brewmaster, Phil Markowski has personally directed the flow of our ales and lagers into the finest outlets. Our Mission is to offer a wide variety of specialty ales and lagers. Our small batch brews ran…
Beer Infinity Range of Beers Beer Infinity
Southampton Publick House
Style:Amber Hybrid Beer > Northern German Altbier
Style:Bock > Traditional Bock
Style:Light Hybrid Beer > American Wheat or Rye Beer
Style:India Pale Ale (IPA) > American IPA

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