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Craft Beer Headlines |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Crafthaus Celebrates International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day
CraftHaus plans on having releasing their International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day beer, United Red Ale, in their taproom on Sunday, April 12th starting at noon. Unrelated to IWCBD but as an added bonus, they will also have a new beer being tapped as well: a Belgian golden strong ale named Jean Claude. What is International Women&rsq ... Read more |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Boulder City Beer Festival
Springtime is coming, and with it come the beer festivals. First up is the annual Boulder City Beer Festival. March 28th you can expect to find over 20 breweries pouring beer at Wilbur Square Park in Boulder City. Entry is free to enjoy the live music and to visit exhibit tents and food trucks; but to get unlimited pours of over beers you&rsqu ... Read more |
Craft Beer Headlines |
Episode 2: Craft vs Crafty; Comically Evil
https://soundcloud.com/hooked-on-hops/episode-2-craft-vs-crafty-comically-evil Every time we sit down to record, I hope that we hit the stop button in under 45 minutes. It seems that these keep getting longer and longer. The next one will be shorter. I promise! This episode was recorded prior to the Superbowl, and thus prior to the Budweiser ad ... Read more |
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