Home > Craft Beers > Wicked Weed XIV Rooted Saison
This ale is brewed with jicama root and parsnips in the mashing process, then we added ginger root and beets to the end of the boiling process.

Wicked Weed XIV Rooted Saison

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Wicked Weed XIV Rooted Saison
This ale is brewed with jicama root and parsnips in the mashing process, then we added ginger root and beets to the end of the boiling process.
Style:Belgian & French Ale > Saison
Original Gravity:1.042
ABV:5.2 %
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Wicked Weed XIV Rooted Saison
Centuries ago, saisons were brewed with what a farmer had on hand to give flavor and alcohol to a healthy drink for his or her farmhands to drink while they worked. This ale is brewed with jicama root and parsnips in the mashing process, then we added ginger root and beets to the end of the boiling process. All of this leads to a spicy and refreshing ale.
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Wicked Weed Brewing
Wicked Weed Brewing
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Address: 91 Biltmore Ave,
North Carolina 28801,
United States
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