Home > Craft Beers > Burial Scythe Rye Pale Ale

Burial Scythe Rye Pale Ale

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Burial Scythe Rye Pale Ale
Burial Scythe Rye Pale Ale
An aggressive harvest tool with a dynamic history, the scythe is traditionally used for harvesting crops.
Style:American Ale > American Pale Ale
Original Gravity:1.068
ABV:7 %
Availability:Year round
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Burial Scythe Rye Pale Ale
An aggressive harvest tool with a dynamic history, the scythe is traditionally used for harvesting crops. But it was adopted by the lower class as an implement of death during times of war and protest. Our Rye Pale Ale also has a dual nature with the nose of your traditional IPA and the incredible malt complexity of your European pale ale. We use a healthy dose of malted Rye and Belgian Crystal malts while Summit, Chinook and Mosaic hops add that delicious hop flavor and aroma.
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Burial Beer Company
Burial Beer Company
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Address: 40 Collier Ave,
North Carolina 28801,
United States
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