Home > Craft Beers > River North Unified Theory

River North Unified Theory

Beer Infinity Beer Profile Beer Infinity
River North Unified Theory
River North Unified Theory
River North Unified Theory (Belgian Specialty Ale) with 8.5 ABV by River North Brewery...
Style:Belgian & French Ale > Belgian Specialty Ale
ABV:8.5 %
Availability:Year round
Packaging:22oz bottle (bomber), Draft (or Draught)
Beer Infinity Beer Details Beer Infinity
River North Unified Theory
A most unusual combination of flavors that just plain works. The beer is aged in the fermenter over new American Oak spirals. Oak character combines with the traditional Witbier spiciness to produce subtle vanilla notes on the nose, followed by a dry finish.
Beer Infinity Brewery Profile Beer Infinity
River North Brewery
River North Brewery
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Address: 2401 Blake St,
Unit 1,
Colorado 80205,
United States
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